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Developing countries need better access to low-emission energy technologies

John Kemp writes for Reuters on the need for developing countries to access low-emission energy technologies.

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The C3 Take
  • In terms of total energy consumption, developing nations are using more energy than developed ones.
  • The majority of new emissions are projected to come from developing countries as populations increase and more people rise out of poverty.
  • In a study examining 32 nations, the Breakthrough Institute found that as economies grow emissions as a share of GDP decrease. In other words, economic freedom creates a cleaner environment.
  • To address the energy needs of the developing world and reduce global emissions, we must export economic freedom and American innovation abroad.

“The future of the global energy system and emissions will be determined primarily by choices about technology made in China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and other populous, fast-growing emerging markets.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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