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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Power the Future with Hydrogen

Power the Future with Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the ultimate game changer. Not only does it assure energy system reliability, affordability and security, but because it is versatile, it can address the sustainability needs of a multitude of markets.

America’s ‘Huge’ Hydrogen Opportunity

America’s ‘Huge’ Hydrogen Opportunity

"As a global company, we have witnessed the development of hydrogen economies in key markets, in particular in the past year, including the European Union and Asia. We have seen firsthand the positive impact that hydrogen has had on spurring economic development in those regions. Now is the time for the U.S. to take a leadership role at this critical juncture in the energy transition."

How Personal Technology is Democratizing Environmental Action

How Personal Technology is Democratizing Environmental Action

"Quietly, the same forces are at work in the environmental sector—reducing CO2 emissions, magnifying the role of citizen scientists, and addressing distributed sources of pollution that government agencies find difficult to address. The growth of personal environmental technologies is not new. What is now clear, however, is how small actions by thousands or millions of people can aggregate to produce big environmental benefits."

Chevron To Produce Carbon-Negative Energy In California

Chevron To Produce Carbon-Negative Energy In California

Charles Kennedy of reports that Chevron will produce carbon-negative energy in California. “The bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) project is planned to convert agricultural waste biomass, such as almond trees, into a renewable synthesis gas that will be mixed with oxygen in a combustor to generate electricity, the U.S. oil and gas...

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