Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The latest VC money for cleaner concrete

The latest VC money for cleaner concrete

"[Carbon cure is] among several startups attracting capital to make climate-friendly concrete and cut the massive emissions from the production of cement, a key concrete component."

The Two Billionaires Reimagining Nuclear Energy

The Two Billionaires Reimagining Nuclear Energy

"Bill Gates’ nuclear venture is called TerraPower, and it has (rather symbolically) picked a remote coal town in western Wyoming as the site of its first innovative nuclear power plant. The plant will be cooled with liquid sodium instead of water, making it safer, more efficient, and more cost-effective than a traditional nuclear plant. They also have the potential to recycle their own spent fuel within these ‘molten salt’ cooling systems, thereby mitigating the total output of radioactive waste which represents one of nuclear critics’ strongest sticking points."

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

In a debate about solutions and what to do about this risk it’s important to think not just in terms of “the science” but all the sciences – plural – especially economics and math. And in the spirit of the film’s wonderful “Last Supper” scene, that’s a conversation that all sides should approach with honesty and grace.

The Environmental Left Is Its Own Worst Enemy

The Environmental Left Is Its Own Worst Enemy

"The biggest lesson in this epic travesty is that even if President Biden were truly committed to decarbonizing the economy (which is to be seriously doubted, given how fast he backed away from a gasoline tax, among other things), the resistance of Democrats at regional-agency level, among environmental groups, and in the federal judiciary makes it almost impossible to imagine how he could succeed."

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