"The material has a number of additional features. It’s easy to recycle into new items. It’s fire resistant and will self-extinguish and char when exposed to a flame. It’s machinable and potentially strong enough for use in longer-lasting products such as furniture."
Rail freight transportation makes America a low-emissions leader
"Attempts to quickly find solutions may very well have the effect of driving up costs for freight rail transportation without having any measurable impact on safety, and they could undoubtedly result in a negative impact on U.S. efforts to lower global emissions."
Conservatives Should Lead on Electric Transmission Reform
"Conservative thought leaders have been resistant to the idea of Congress imposing an arbitrary requirement on interregional transfer. Their instincts serve them well. Grid economics and reliability conditions vary by region. Some conservatives skeptical of a uniform requirement find a tailored approach more appealing, where transfer levels are determined by region-specific reliability conditions and benefit-cost analysis."
Coastal Real Estate Can’t Seem to Price Climate Risk
"That study adds to a 2022 paper by Freddie Mac economists that found that Florida homes exposed to rising sea levels commanded no discount over those that aren’t. Another paper published this year estimated that flood-exposed residential properties were overvalued by $121 billion to $237 billion. In its totality, the available evidence suggests that the market has been insufficiently discounting the risk of rising seas because of a shortage of high-quality information — or at least an information assymetry between sellers and buyers — and that the best way to address it is to get the right data in front of people."
Power to the People: Microgrid Gives Community Control of Its Energy
"Power is generated and distributed locally with multiple levels of security in the BlockEnergy system, which includes protection from cyber and other threats. In the event of an outage, there is no action required of the system as it is 'always-on' and not dependent on the grid for ongoing power reliability. That provides resiliency, as there is no single point of failure—each BlockHome has its own solar generation, energy storage, and controls."
Tesla alum aims to build the power company of the future
"In Equilibrium’s first commercial deal, the startup pays Jupiter Power a monthly fee for the next seven years to operate a 100-megawatt battery system in West Texas. Equilibrium currently dispatches that battery for optimal profit in the wholesale markets of Texas grid operator ERCOT. Of course, actually making money in Texas’ rough-and-tumble merchant power markets is never guaranteed. To increase its odds of success, Equilibrium built an AI-enhanced digital trading platform to orchestrate its bids based on analysis of the myriad variables influencing the markets."
Crossing the Climate Chasm Through the Gulf of Mexico
Crossing the climate chasm requires cleaner energy now. The Gulf of Mexico’s energy resources are on the right path.
More U.S. Mining Is a Win for People and the Planet
"The fact remains that when we employ an 'out of sight, out of mind' mining strategy, both Americans and our environment lose. Not only do Americans lose out on good-paying jobs, but we’re supporting a dirtier, unsafe industry abroad. If we care about our planet and our people, the U.S. will take control of its mining future."
U.S. scientists hit new fusion energy milestone
"Scientists have worked for decades to develop nuclear fusion as a source of effectively limitless clean energy, but Axios' Alison Snyder notes that there's still a long way to go in overcoming further scientific, technical and financial hurdles for it to become a commercial power supply."
Floating Solar Panels Turn Old Industrial Sites Into Green Energy Goldmines
"Austria, home to central Europe’s biggest floatovoltaic array, has rolled out special subsidies for floating PVs and other novel projects that combine electricity generation with an ecological or agricultural aim. Scientific studies show that FPVs improve water quality by reducing algal blooms. Panels can also help save water during times of drought by reducing evaporation and decreasing sunlight penetration."