Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Fight Wildfires With Fire (if EPA Allows)

Fight Wildfires With Fire (if EPA Allows)

"Obtaining an exemption for a prescribed fire under the Clean Air Act is already so arduous that states are reluctant to implement or expand burn programs. The Government Accountability Office recently reported that the approval process is so burdensome that only one state has submitted and been granted an exemption from the EPA, a project in Kansas in 2012."

America Can Fix Its Highways Much Faster, If It Wants

America Can Fix Its Highways Much Faster, If It Wants

"To put it bluntly: Bringing in a new guy — whether it’s an 'art of the deal' president or a US transportation secretary from McKinsey — won’t necessarily speed things up. Because the delay comes not from government incompetence but from the great mass of citizens who demand more voice, more procedure, more consultation and more review."

Centrus Gets NRC Green Light to Introduce Uranium Into HALEU Nuclear Enrichment Cascade

Centrus Gets NRC Green Light to Introduce Uranium Into HALEU Nuclear Enrichment Cascade

"Centrus’s American Centrifuge cascade uses gas centrifuge machines, which feed uranium hexafluoride (UF6)—heated to a gaseous state—into a rotor inside the centrifuge machine. A rotor spinning at high speed inside a steel casing uses centrifugal force to concentrate the heavier U-238 isotopes at the outer wall of the rotor and the lighter U-235 isotopes toward the rotor center. The streams are then fed to the next machines in a 'cascade' to achieve the desired level of enrichment. Centrus will use a 4.95% LEU feed material for its planned HALEU 16 AC100M-centrifuge cascade. It suggests roughly 85% of the separative work units (SWU)—a measure of enrichment needed to produce HALEU—is already contained in the LEU feed material."

The Race to Build a Better Air Conditioner

The Race to Build a Better Air Conditioner

Amrith Ramkumar of The Wall Street Journal reports on the race to build better air conditioners. “When air conditioning is needed, the solution is brought in contact with air, absorbing water and removing humidity. The air is cooled within a component called a heat exchanger using a high-efficiency method to lower air temperature by exposing...

Don’t Give Up on America

Don’t Give Up on America

Chris Barnard and Kai Weiss write in National Affairs about the exceptionalism of America. “The American economic model of limited government, private initiative, and free enterprise unleashed and helped sustain the dynamism and proactivity of its people. Even today, with rising economic competition across the globe, 45% of start-ups and 50% of unicorns (start-ups valued...

Westinghouse secures contract extension to fuel U.K. AGRs

Westinghouse secures contract extension to fuel U.K. AGRs

"EDF Energy’s current fleet of operating AGR plants includes the two-unit Hartlepool in Durham, the co-located two-unit Heysham 1 and two-unit Heysham 2 in Lancashire, and the two-unit Torness in East Lothian. This March, EDF Energy announced that it intends to keep the Hartlepool and Heysham 1 stations in operation to March 2026—two years past their previously scheduled 2024 retirement dates. The estimated March 2028 closure dates for Heysham 2 and Torness remain unchanged."

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