Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

New hydropower report identifies opportunities to reform the licensing process

New hydropower report identifies opportunities to reform the licensing process

"But other factors disproportionately affect certain types of projects. Smaller projects often have shorter licensing timelines, but, because they bring in less revenue, the costs hit them harder than larger, more profitable projects. And, because older projects can continue to generate income while seeking a relicense, the costs are less burdensome for them than for new projects, which cannot start construction or operation until they have their license in hand."

Europe’s Self-Made Energy Crisis

Europe’s Self-Made Energy Crisis

"There’s no getting around it. Europe’s energy crisis is a failure of policy and a clear case study of the danger of disassembling the stability that comes with fuel diversity in a misguided, rushed and irresponsible approach to the energy transition. The warning for American energy and climate policy is impossible to miss. Whether policymakers learn the right lessons remains to be seen."

Officials: Florida plan has fed manatees 25 tons of lettuce

Officials: Florida plan has fed manatees 25 tons of lettuce

"Officials say the feeding program involving donated romaine lettuce at a Florida Power & Light plant on the east coast is attracting about 300 to 350 manatees per day. It’s been as many as 800 manatees at times, sometimes less than 60 as they move around the waterways."

Make America Energy Independent Again

Make America Energy Independent Again

"We can support further development of renewables in Europe and America, and we must continue investing in research and development for innovative technologies, not just for our country, but to export to our allies to help them lower global emissions. In the meantime, we must be practical; renewables are not yet advanced enough without long-term energy storage capabilities. We should be investing in all homegrown energy sources today for tomorrow’s use."

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