"Poland has in recent months ramped up efforts to establish a nuclear power industry to accelerate the country’s energy transition. The Eastern European country holds the largest reserves of coal in Europe. But while it produced 70% of its power from coal in 2020, it unveiled a commitment last November to phase out its coal plants, targeting a 2040 timeframe—a decade earlier than the 2049 date it set earlier in 2021."
New Turbine Innovation Grows Wind Energy Output, Costs Nothing
A recent new development has found a way to increase the energy output of wind turbines. The best part? It costs nothing.
NIMBYism Is A Bipartisan Energy Problem
Ariel Cohen writes in Forbes about the need to address NIMBYism. online pharmacy https://copyblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/tcb_content_templates/lead_generation/images/zoloft.html no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy buy reglan online cheap pharmacy “Combating climate change and ensuring America’s energy abundance and security requires thoughtful and informed policy choices and sacrifices. These sacrifices must be equitably distributed if we are to sustain decarbonization.” buy...
Startup makes pre-fab high rises like Boeing makes airplanes, aiming to reduce emissions
Assembly it is focused on high-rise buildings between 10 and 30 stories high. That will offer the biggest impact on both the current housing shortage and climate change."
America’s Broken Policies Put Our Energy and Environmental Futures at Risk
"We must demand sound energy policies that keep energy reliable and affordable, and require constant environmental improvement. They must be worked on as a single, three-sided challenge, and not a battle of one against the other."
Notre Dame Dedicates Hydro Facility as Renewable Energy Efforts Grow
"Other schools to recently implement energy-efficient projects include Smith College breaking ground on a geothermal project, Boston University using geothermal heat pumps in a new building on campus, and the University of Hartford saving $1 million annually with energy upgrades. The University of California San Diego also has a proposed demonstration project that will look at blending hydrogen and natural gas to help with energy transitions."
How the West Can Win Putin’s Energy War
This fall, policymakers should rally around the relentless progress facilitated by an “all of the above” energy strategy and reject the leftist “everything but fossil fuel” strategy that puts American workers last and dictators first.
Project aims to reduce water consumption in food production by 15 to 30%
"The goal is for the plant in Fredericia to be a learning platform for all Carlsberg's breweries worldwide and a best practice case for how to recover water in the industrial sector, says Tenna Skov Thorsted, Sustainability Manager in Carlsberg."
Europe races to prepare for energy crunch this winter
"The sharp drop supplies from Russia, which previously supplied about 40% of the European Union's gas needs, has left governments scrambling to find alternative energy resources and has prompted fears of possible power cuts and a recession."
Energy System Planning Is Best Done Without a Partisan Thumb on the Scale
"Planning a next generation energy system that balances a cleaner grid with sufficient dispatchable resources like natural gas with non-dispatchable resources to ensure reliability is vital. And there may be a productive role for the federal government to play. But putting a thumb on the scale in favor of one or two chosen resources that are more than capable of competing on their own is not the way to do it."