Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Subsidies Won’t Fix the Energy Industry

Subsidies Won’t Fix the Energy Industry

"Energy subsidies are wasteful at best and cronyist at worst, and they don't even accomplish their stated aims. Policymakers should be removing the obstacles that keep creative entrepreneurs from developing cheaper alternatives, not giving specific products an unfair edge."

How the Jones Act exacerbates the US diesel shortage

How the Jones Act exacerbates the US diesel shortage

"Wood Mackenzie’s Williams argues that there is a better way the administration could help relieve the diesel shortage in New York Harbor and put downward pressure on prices. 'The quickest way to ease the situation would be to waive the Jones Act for a month or two,' he says. 'If we could move more barrels around the US by sea, that would make a real difference.'"

Shell to Buy Biogas Producer in $2 Billion Deal

Shell to Buy Biogas Producer in $2 Billion Deal

"Shell and BP are both looking to use their global oil-and-gas trading arms to reach existing customers willing to pay a premium for cleaner fuel, and to tap new markets as they invest in expanding the biogas businesses. Neither deal changes the dividend or buyback plans of Shell and BP, the companies have said, in a year of huge cash payouts to investors."

Dream Homes and Disasters: Is the Government Ready to Confront Climate Risk?

Dream Homes and Disasters: Is the Government Ready to Confront Climate Risk?

Zak Colman of POLITICO explains how governments can more adequately confront climate risk. “FEMA is also weighing new regulations that would expand the federal floodplain, which could includeincreasing minimum requirements for elevating homes to reduce flood risk. Those rules could be a ‘game changer’ by requiring stricter building standards to reduce flood risk for hundreds...

Siemens Power CEO Confirms the Iron Law of Power Density

Siemens Power CEO Confirms the Iron Law of Power Density

"Now back to Bruch. He told CNBC that there is 'still a way to go' in the maturation of the wind industry and that there are problems with distributing 'risk along the supply chain in a world which is much more volatile, much more difficult, much more multilateral than before.' He continued, saying “if we don’t resolve it as an industry, we are missing a substantial part of the energy transition, and we’ll fail with the energy transition.” 

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