Patrick Brown of the Breakthrough Institute writes on the importance of active forest management practices. online pharmacy lasix no prescription pharmacy “Together, theory, firefighting experience, and rigorous study have led to a strong mainstream consensus within the wildfire science community that reducing fuel loads reduces the likelihood of the types of fires that produce the...
Tragedy of the Commons Plagues Alaska’s Area M
A proper solution that emphasizes property rights and tradable permits will help the user groups both get the fish they need without depleting the resource, leaving enough for future generations.
Permitting Reform Needed to Reach Clean Energy Goals
An inefficient regulatory environment is hindering the development of energy and infrastructure projects in the U.S. Unless addressed, America will struggle to reduce emissions and expand its share of clean energy.
Sweet return: German farmer gets both solar power and apples
"Researchers hope the tests will show that tree fruit crops thrive under solar panels. This could help prevent renewable energy production from competing for precious land with agriculture — a growing concern for those seeking to tackle climate change and rising food prices."
American Prairie Shows How the Free Market is Conserving our Natural Environment
The first time I heard of “free market environmentalism” I was fairly skeptical. My assumption about private capital was that its primary duty was to multiply, but this view demonstrated a failure to properly understand market potential. Markets allow people to provide capital and, so long as enough is offered, receive just about anything they’d...
Small Modular Reactors Could be Key to Achieving a Secure Energy Future
SMRs are ready to play a key role in achieving a clean energy future.
The Role of Carbon Dioxide Removal in Reducing Emissions
In a new report Phillip Rossetti of R Street and Nick Loris of C3 Solutions explore the role that CDR can play in reducing emissions and addressing climate change.
Overpopulation Isn’t the Issue. Saying So Is Wrong And Damaging.
If the world were to embrace the concept of sustainable development and allow nature to continually regenerate, we would have no issue hosting a growing population for decades to come.
Midwest farms are using more cover crops. Why that’s good news.
"Cover crops are used in place of crops intended for sale or animal forage. Farmers most commonly use rye or winter wheat for cover. Instead of being bare and exposed to the elements and erosion, these fields resist erosion. As the crop grows and decomposes, its nutrients are absorbed by the soil. And according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the crops can dry out wet fields before planting and even increase future crop yields."
Parking Lot Power Is The New Big Thing
Solar carports are going to be an important contributor to reaching clean energy projections in the coming decades.