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Current Climate: Funding For Carbon-Reduction Tech Hits $4.2 Billion

Current Climate: Funding For Carbon-Reduction Tech Hits $4.2 Billion

Katie Jennings and Alan Ohnsman of Forbes report on carbon-reduction funding. “Last year investors pumped nearly $4.2 billion into startups working on technology to reduce CO2 emissions, up from $3.6 billion in 2021, according to PitchBook. The number of deals also increased to 204 in 2022 from 167 in 2021. Svante, a Canada-based carbon capture startup,...

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Tries Free-Market Recipe to Fix Britain’s Woes

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Tries Free-Market Recipe to Fix Britain’s Woes

"The U.K. has neither the market nor the money to compete on [the scale of the Inflation Reduction Act], and some U.K. companies have already said they plan to expand in the U.S. or Europe rather than at home. Mr. Sunak looked askance at the very idea of industrial policy. 'I tend to think heavy state and government involvement in the economy is not something that necessarily always produces the best outcomes,' he said. 'Government picking winners has never gone particularly well.'"

Microsoft and Helion want to build the world’s first fusion plant and seize energy’s ‘Holy Grail’

Microsoft and Helion want to build the world’s first fusion plant and seize energy’s ‘Holy Grail’

"Engineers for decades have chased the promise of fusion energy — a potentially limitless source of carbon-free power. There are demonstration fusion reactors running or under construction around the world. But none of the commercial devices — including Helion’s reactors — have been able to produce more electricity than they require to operate, let alone generate enough power to send to the grid. Some in the clean energy industry are skeptical it will ever work."

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