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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Rule by Regulation

Rule by Regulation

Andrew Stuttaford of National Review analyzes the Biden administration’s rule by regulation approach to clean energy and climate change. “The real aim of the emerging central-bank game is two-fold. Firstly, to increase the cost of capital for climate sinners by ‘discouraging’ banks from lending to them and secondly, by mandating disclosure of such risks (and...

How the GOP Can Reverse the Progressive Advance

How the GOP Can Reverse the Progressive Advance

"On climate, for instance, Republicans have easy openings. The Green New Deal is an unworkably heavy-handed, top-down, 'more government' proposal that won’t work. For starters, 'the science' tells us carbon dioxide doesn’t respect borders. Ending all emissions in the U.S. would do almost nothing to lower global temperatures as long as China is building new coal plants. The answer is more innovation, less government and trusting markets over mandates."

Why lithium-ion batteries are so important

Why lithium-ion batteries are so important

David Roberts outlines the importance of lithium-ion batteries on Canary Media. “Cheap batteries could open up uses we haven’t even envisioned yet. What sorts of urban mobility vehicles, drones, planes or research outposts could we power? What kinds of ships or trains could we electrify? How could increasingly cheap, ubiquitous storage be coupled with increasingly...

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