For progressives, winter may be coming. But for conservatives who have recommitted themselves to policies that work in the real world, such as innovation and economic freedom, it may soon be morning again in not just America but the world.
Power lines are infrastructure bill’s big climate win
"The change has the potential to boost clean energy projects that have run into permitting challenges, analysts said. The infrastructure bill’s package notably came during a week that saw voters in Maine strike down a proposed transmission line intended to carry electricity from dams in Quebec to consumers in New England. The constitutionality of that referendum is being challenged in court."
Free Markets Are the Best and Fastest Way to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions
"A freer market also means that a country's carbon emissions are already falling. C3 Solutions' Director of Public Policy Nick Loris made this clear in his report, 'Free Economies are Clean Economies.'"
Let’s Find Common Ground on America’s Energy Future
"Together, we can chart a path forward that grants customers freedom of choice, ensures a reliable energy system and protects the environment. We can do far more for our nation and our planet by coming together than we can by remaining apart."
One of AOC’s Worst Green New Deal Ideas is Included in Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Plan
"With the proposal gaining momentum in Washington, DC, it’s well worth examining its actual merits. And even a cursory glance reveals that in reality the plan would simply waste money, create zero jobs on net, and do nothing to mitigate climate change."
Conservative Gathering at COP Confirms Climate is No Longer a One-Party Issue
COP26, the annual United Nations gathering to discuss climate change, is in its second week in Glasgow, UK. As might be expected since it deals with the touchy issue of climate change, COP26 has attracted many protestors and activists who are demanding that various governments do more. These activists have protested in the streets, held...
The Chinese Communist Party Is Climate Enemy No. 1
"We must declare the Chinese Communist Party Climate Enemy No. 1. As sea levels continue to rise and heat waves ravage the developed and developing world alike, we simply cannot afford to wait for an authoritarian communist regime to wake up and realize its moral obligation to act."
Republicans at COP26 Have a Message: We Care About Climate Change, Too
"Mr. Curtis is among a handful of Republicans here working to persuade skeptics that climate change isn’t just a one-party issue. Others include Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas) and Rep. Garret Graves (R., La.), Republican leader of the House Select Climate Committee."
Letters from Glasgow: COP 26
C3 Solutions is excited to be in Glasgow during COP26 to promote economic freedom. "Letters from Glasgow" will provide regular updates from our team on the ground. Be sure to check back frequently for updated content.
British MP Liam Fox offers a Reaganesque “Time for Choosing” for Conservatives on Climate
Dr. Liam Fox, a Member of the British Parliament, kicked off our Climate & Freedom Symposium this morning with a fantastic and important speech. Just as President Reagan offered moral and intellectual clarity, and reality-based inspiration, with his “A Time for Choosing” speech, Dr. Fox described why innovation, creativity and economic freedom offer vastly more benefits for...