Decarbonising the energy grid requires market competition and diversified supply — not becoming fifth-columnists for Russian imperialism.
The New Age of Energy Security
The “great game” of our 21st century should be a race to tap all sources of power, and thereby create an effective, “all-of-the-above” cleaner and more secure energy future.
Regulation Will Not Solve Our Energy Problems
Dan Romito writes in RealClearEnergy that regulation will not solve our energy problems. “Highlighting emissions data, although helpful in some cases, is also not going to solve any functional or operational aspect of climate risk. Should an investor deem any data point material to valuation, the communication avenues to attain such information already exist. We...
How to Speed Up the Rollout of Small Nuclear Power Plants
Bloomberg’s Will Wade writes on permitting challenges for small nuclear power plants. “DeWitte says the design is ready to go, but he can’t proceed without a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Oklo submitted an application in 2020, which the agency kicked back in January, saying it was missing some key details. The company says its...
President Biden’s NEPA Regulations Will Make Energy Even More Expensive
We need to streamline regulations so that it is easier to build cleaner and faster - not harder.
Tariffs won’t build a robust US solar industry
"Removing tariffs does not mean abandoning domestic manufacturing. The U.S. should continue investing in manufacturing capabilities to support demonstration projects that incentivize firms to invest in bringing the next generation of these technologies closer to market. And the U.S. should also continue investing in innovating at the technological frontier to discover new and better technologies, like solid state batteries and next generation solar technology."
Biden rollback of permitting reform is making his own energy goals impossible
"Now it is time to come together and reform the environmental review and permitting process to support an all-of-the-above approach to American energy — including oil, gas, coal, nuclear, renewables, and critical minerals. Through bipartisan reforms, we can secure our domestic production and export American-produced energy across the globe. I’ll be waiting for the administration to join me."
Congressman Buddy Carter Outlines Conservative Climate Solutions
As conservatives engage in this space, leaders such as Representative Carter will be needed to offer durable and pragmatic climate solutions that bolster our natural and economic environment.
Politics Could Speed Up Clean Energy. They May Also Slow It Down.
"Yet there are signs of progress in other areas. One key bottleneck is approval for transmission lines: A record 1,400 gigawatts of total generation and storage capacity are currently seeking interconnection to the grid, more than the current U.S. generating capacity of 1,200 gigawatts, according to a new paper from Berkeley Lab. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is now working on a series of proposed rule changes to streamline the processes for approving transmission lines."
Giving old dams new life could spark an energy boom
"Most American dams are more than 60 years old, and many have outlived their utility or present public safety risks. There is a consensus both in the hydroelectric industry and among environmentalists that these dams should be removed. However, there is growing interest on the part of hydroelectric companies to tap into the energy-producing potential of the nonpowered dams that remain essential to our infrastructure."