"Democrats’ solar fight illustrates how their climate obsession is leading to more trade protectionism. American consumers, workers and businesses will be the losers."
The Folly of Neoisolationism and “Dark MAGA”
Neoisolationism is out of touch with American history and the will of the American people
Price Controls on Fuel Would Be Disastrous for Americans
"Policymakers need to remove government intervention that is driving up prices, not try to pass a bill that would double down on heavy-handed government."
New five-year offshore leasing program to be filed by June 30, Haaland says
"A lapse in the five-year program could drive down production by roughly 500,000 barrels per day, according to a March analysis by the American Petroleum Institute and the National Ocean Industries Association."
Biden Can Boost Energy Production—and Protect National Parks
"We cannot allow funding for conservation projects to disappear overnight. The revenue from offshore drilling is crucial to the American economy, to our energy security, and to the preservation of our natural and historical landmarks."
The Energy Security and Emissions Twofer That Nobody Is Talking About
"Regardless, the longer-term bottom line remains unchanged: with some of the cleanest energy production in the world, progressively reducing Russia’s global energy market share through expanded production and export of U.S. oil and natural gas will deliver short-term benefits to energy security and the environment alike."
Hating Jeff Bezos Won’t Solve Climate Change
Reducing spending, streamlining regulations, reforming the tax code and reducing energy prices will do far more to control inflation and combat climate change than demonizing Jeff Bezos.
U.S. renewable industry sees ‘unnecessary barriers’ ahead
"The cost of a wind turbine rose 9 percent from a year earlier, in part because producers had to swallow a fivefold increase in the price of shipping and a fourfold rise in steel prices. Longer blades, taller towers and improvements in siting strategies allowed the levelized cost of wind power to keep falling last year, however."
America’s neglect of nuclear energy has weakened our global influence
"The time has come for President Biden and Congress to take the steps necessary to assure that America and its democratic allies have access to cutting edge, American made nuclear energy technology and ensure that safe, clean, and reliable energy is available globally to power open and democratic societies."
California’s Energy Policy Shows Us What Not To Do
"California’s policymakers say they want new energy sources, but instead of cleaning up the state’s regulatory clutter and allowing private-sector innovators to innovate, they act as if government mandates can substitute for market-tested innovation."