Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Republicans plot path on energy, permitting package

Republicans plot path on energy, permitting package

"The bill, the work of three committees, would require the federal government to hold quarterly oil lease sales in Western states. It would speed up environmental permitting that GOP lawmakers complain drags on years longer than it should. The package would also allow for more hardrock mining in mineral-rich states like Minnesota and Idaho."

Why ‘Friendshoring’ Is Key to Countering China and Russia

Why ‘Friendshoring’ Is Key to Countering China and Russia

"We can aid our allies by increasing energy exports to fill gaps in their supply chains, and we can fill our own shortfalls of critical minerals through public–private collaboration at home and strategic partnerships abroad. Reducing the vulnerability of our allies would discourage China and Russia from further adventurism. These actions would mitigate the risk of all-out conflict while ensuring economic and national security for ourselves and our allies."

Carbon Capture Permit Backlog Threatens Climate Progress

Carbon Capture Permit Backlog Threatens Climate Progress

"If we want to reduce emissions we must deploy more clean energy technologies at scale in the United States. When it comes to CCS, the financial interest, bipartisan support and government incentives are all there to do so. We just need the EPA to act with the urgency we all agree is necessary."

New Nuclear Energy Needs New Licensing Process

New Nuclear Energy Needs New Licensing Process

"Now is the time to set down the pencils, take a few steps back, and consider if the draft rule meets the needs of today and tomorrow. That is the decision before the Commissioners today. The world is transformed, and the NRC has a key role to play in enabling the transformation of clean energy delivery through the additional deployment of nuclear technologies. As Chairman Hanson wrote in his vote approving the beginning of the Part 53 rulemaking, 'speed should not take priority over a thoughtful rulemaking.' The status quo is not an option. Congress has made that clear, and bold Commission leadership is needed when considering the next steps of the Part 53 rulemaking."

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