By wanting to bar appointees with ties to fossil fuels, activists are putting politics over environmental progress.
Late Energy Push Underscores Future Tug-o-War in Biden Policy
"Now that the shouting is over, it is time to come together. The voters have offered a mixed bag in favor of Biden and Congressional Republicans. A quick read of the tea leaves tells us it is time to get down to the hard work of building a policy that can bring people together, protect our economic recovery and succeed at reducing emissions."
The Fastest Route to Clean Energy Progress Runs Through the States
“Amid the visions of new federal initiatives, it will be important to remember that the quickest and most cost-effective way to make rapid progress will be to support the states that have been carrying the clean energy banner in recent years. Fortunately, some of the ways to provide that support will not require congressional action or may be palatable to a Congress in which the Republicans retain considerable power.”
TerraPower & X-energy to Demonstrate Advanced Reactor Technology
Article originally from ClearPath A moonshot goal of bringing advanced nuclear technology to market just became reality with the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program, or ARDP. Congratulations to the two companies who were selected for the ARDP: TerraPower and X-energy! These two companies, along with their teams, will partner with DOE and the National Labs to...
The Green Energy Transition Could Mean More Reliance on China
"Coordinating and scaling such a supply chain would take time, money and significant negotiation, both in Washington and overseas. For a Biden administration’s clean energy vision to become a reality, it will likely be much cheaper, faster and easier to go through China."
What President Biden can Learn from George W. Bush on Climate
"The right way is to adopt policies that spur investment in the new technologies needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions more cost-effectively in the longer term without placing unreasonable burdens on American consumers and workers in the short term."
Regulators can help clear the way for entrepreneurial energy companies to innovate
“How regulatory policies are implemented can make a huge difference for entrepreneurs in clean technology. In a study, we found that giving state-level regulators more discretion in approving hydropower facilities in the United States led to faster adoption of this clean energy source.”
The Coming Energy Shocks Under A Biden Administration
“Whether the energy shock emanates from the eclipse of the US as the world’s leading oil and gas producer (leading to high oil and gas prices) or from the collapse of the OPEC+ production cut agreement brought about by the re-emergence of unconstrained Iranian exports (leading to very low oil and gas prices), a Biden presidency presents some highly disruptive scenarios in global energy affairs, scenarios no less disruptive than any under Trump’s watch.”
America’s forest sector is ready for climate action and rural America can benefit
“So why do America’s forests deserve such a strong role in climate action? America’s forests and forest products already sequester over 750 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent annually. That is nearly 15 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, and represents by far our largest land-based carbon sink. With the right actions, our forests can do even more.”
Here’s what congressional Republicans are thinking on climate following the election
“Potential areas of agreement include clean energy spending in a pandemic-related stimulus package, infrastructure investments, including transmission lines for renewables and chargers for electric vehicles, extensions of solar and wind tax credits, and additional subsidies for battery storage, and legislation phasing down hydrofluorocarbons, a potent pollutant used in cooling systems.”