GeekWire reports that Amazon has revealed the first 5 companies that have invested into its $2B Climate Pledge Fund
101 Companies Committed To Reducing Their Carbon Footprint
Here are 101 popular companies that are committing to carbon footprint reductions.
Natural Gas Bans Will Worsen California’s Poverty Problem
Bans on natural gas will make California’s poverty problem worse, and disproportionately hurt California’s poorest citizens.
What’s The Hold Up? On Key Infrastructure, Too Often It’s NEPA
Findings from the American Petroleum Institute show that the permitting and review process in NEPA delays project completion by an average of 5.8 years, costing $4.2 million
Why the Carbon Tax Would Backfire on America
Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation warns that a carbon tax would harm America.
Biden’s plan would undermine US energy independence
The Biden energy plan would effectively eliminate thousands of fracking and energy jobs in Texas.
Price Controls for Texas Electricity?
Over the last two decades Texas’ largely deregulated energy market has driven market competition and saved consumers billions of dollars.
Green New Deal Would Cost a Lot of Green
Nick Loris at the Heritage Foundation offers a good take on what’s wrong with the Green New Deal.