Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Circular materials startup Made of Air raises seed round

Circular materials startup Made of Air raises seed round

"Made of Air is one of more than 166 climate tech and circular economy startups that have pitched their business plans and technologies during GreenBiz events over the past 10 years as part of the Accelerate fast-pitch competition, which spotlights promising, early-stage entrepreneurs."

Lower Carbon, Higher Autonomy

Lower Carbon, Higher Autonomy

"One of the reasons New England is reliant upon natural gas imported from exotic locales is that infamous relic, the Jones Act, which gives U.S.-made ships a monopoly on port-to-port service within the United States, legally excluding 98 percent of the ships that serve U.S. trade from domestic service."

Don’t Pit Money and the Planet Against Each Other

Don’t Pit Money and the Planet Against Each Other

"Ultimately, the reality is that we want to tackle climate change because it greatly affects human life. More severe storms, flooding, droughts, and warmer temperatures are already affecting our food supply, health, and economies. Yet, the solution can’t be worse than the disease. Climate policy must be measured by cost-benefit analyses, not extremist predictions or utopian, anti-capitalist rhetoric."

Panera bakes plan to go climate positive

Panera bakes plan to go climate positive

Panera is focusing on three key 2025 targets to reduce emissions: transition to 100 percent circular, reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging; using renewable energy for at least 50 percent of Panera Bread locations; and making 60 percent of its entrees menu Cool Food Meals.

Company announces first-of-a-kind $3B renewable hydrogen project

Company announces first-of-a-kind $3B renewable hydrogen project

"Hy Stor wants to start producing hydrogen in 2025, several years before most analysts believe it will be cost-effective to make with renewable power. The company is targeting 220,000 kilograms of eventual daily production — orders of magnitude larger than what’s envisioned for the pilot projects that have proliferated across the U.S. in recent years. Stretched out over the course of a year, Hy Stor’s target production would be enough to fuel the equivalent of 25,000 Hyundai trucks, according to the company."

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