Carbon Engineering reports on its progress in developing direct air capture in Texas.

- Canadian-based Carbon Engineering has partnered with 1PointFive to develop direct air capture (DAC) in Kleberg County, Texas.
- The site in Texas will include multiple DAC facilities that will collectively be able to capture up to 30 million tons of CO2 annually.
- The company also expects to develop DAC on the Gulf Coast in Texas.
- Private sector leadership is creating a clean energy future.
“CE has been contracted by its U.S. development partner, 1PointFive, for the front-end planning and engineering of a one-megatonne DAC facility that is intended to be replicated into multi-million tonne deployments. The design is being adapted from the first large-scale, commercial facility to use CE’s DAC technology, which is already under construction in the Texas Permian Basin, and is anticipated to form the basis of accelerated large-scale deployments in the U.S.”
Read the full article here.
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