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Carbon Capture And Brews: Rhode Island Brewery Puts Emissions Back Into Beers

Lisa Prevost of Energy News Network reports on Great Sail, a brewery in Rhode Island that is putting its emissions back into beer.

The C3 Take
  • CO2 is captured during the brewing process when yeast breaks down the malt sugar and converts it to alcohol and CO2.
  • The CO2 is then captured through a piping system, converted to liquid, and stored to be used for carbonating and packaging the beer.
  • As these carbon capture systems are introduced in breweries across the nation, grabbing a beer will soon become a carbon-neutral activity.

“Grey Sail is the first craft brewery in Rhode Island, and the second in New England, to install carbon-capturing technology specially designed for microbreweries. Developed by Earthly Labs, based in Austin, Texas, the system captures the waste carbon dioxide produced during fermentation, enabling it to be used to carbonate and package the beer.”

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