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Burnt Island Ventures Raises $30 Million For Early-Stage Water Startups

Rebecca Szkutak of Forbes reports that Burnt Island Ventures has raised $30 million for water startups.

The C3 Take
  • Burnt Island Ventures is a fund that will invest in companies that are tackling water-related problems.
  • The fund has invested in ZitterCo, a water filtration company, and Sewer AI, a wastewater technology startup based in San Francisco.
  • Burnt Island is showing that private sector leadership is addressing environmental challenges.

“The global water industry is massive and filled with opportunity for innovation, but it’s also sprawling, fragmented and buried under layers of government bureaucracy, industry expert Tom Ferguson says. While some estimates place the total value of water-based enterprises, including those meant to address climate change, at $500 billion worldwide, the market hasn’t advanced at the same pace as adjacent industries such as green energy.”

Read the full article here.

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