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Bridgestone’s tires are going circular

Mike De Socio writes in GreenBiz on Bridgestone’s sustainability efforts.

The C3 Take
  • Bridgestone will partner with LanzaTech to create a closed loop system for tire manufacturing.
  • LanzaTech will partially gasify old Bridgestone tires, creating hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
  • From there, LanzaTech will introduce gas eating bacteria to the process to create new ethanol.
  • The ethanol will then be used to create new tires, emitting no new CO2 in the process.

“LanzaTech’s innovation is in converting waste materials to ethanol, which is typically sourced from fresh fossil fuels-related carbon. It has turned steel mill emissions into Zara dresses and laundry detergent. With Bridgestone, LanzaTech will be turning tires into ethanol, which can then be turned into tires again.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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