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Blue Origin vets unveil startup seeking small solution to massive challenge of fusion energy

Lisa Stiffler of GeekWire reports on an innovative nuclear fusion company.

The C3 Take
  • Avalanche Energy, a Seattle-based startup, is taking a different approach to fusion energy.
  • While other companies have used high temperatures and powerful magnets to create fusion power, Avalanche’s system is the size of a shoebox.
  • The company envisions combining multiple “shoeboxes” to create a battery pack that could power planes, cargo ships, and other fossil-fuel intensive sectors of the economy.
  • Free market innovation is creating a cleaner future.

“The system that Avalanche Energy is developing would measure about the size of a large shoe box (one-foot diameter, two-feet long). It could be deployed as multiple units to power cargo ships, airplanes and other sectors of the economy that are going to be tricky to wean off of fossil fuels. They estimate it would take six of the devices, for example, to power a passenger car.”

Read the full article here.

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