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Bill Gates-backed startup says a global gold rush for buried hydrogen is picking up momentum

Sam Meredith of CNBC reports on the growing momentum for underground hydrogen.

The C3 Take
  • Koloma, a U.S. startup backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, aims to leverage expertise from the fossil fuel industry to explore and produce geologic hydrogen, an emerging clean energy source found naturally underground.
  • The pursuit of geologic hydrogen has been described as a “white gold rush,” with exploratory efforts underway in multiple countries and potential to play a significant role in the energy transition.
  • Geologic hydrogen may be cheaper than other sources of hydrogen and could allow ammonia (which is crucial for fertilizer) to be produced with significantly fewer emissions.

“Geologic hydrogen — sometimes known as white, gold or natural hydrogen — refers to hydrogen gas that is found in its natural form beneath Earth’s surface. It is thought to be produced by high-temperature reactions between water and iron-rich minerals.”

Read the full article here.

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