Brook Simmons and Anne Bradbury of RealClearEnergy write on the Biden administration’s policies that are hurting energy development across the country.
- With the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and the halting of new oil and gas leasing on federal lands (which has since been reversed), Biden has made it clear that the days of oil and gas are limited under his administration.
- The administration has also imposed permitting requirements for land and archeological surveying for oil and gas, which increases bureaucracy and slows down development.
- The war on American energy is harmful to consumers and the planet, as domestically produced energy has a carbon footprint that is half the size of fuels that are sourced overseas.
- To make energy, economic, and environmental progress the Biden administration should reduce barriers and embrace a market-driven “all of the above” energy strategy.
“Under this Administration, there is now a federal policy requiring an APD, or an application for permit to drill, including for environmental and archeological surveys, to traverse a federal lease. Even though most Oklahoma operations are on private lands, we must now wait months or years for a permit to travel across a federal parcel, even if the lease area is only a small portion of a unit. According to the Bureau of Land Management’s data, it now takes an average of 109 days for BLM to approve an APD on federal land.”
Read the full article here.
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