The launch of C16’s next-generation oil is yet another instance of private sector innovation creating solutions to reduce emissions, protect wildlife, and promote healthier lifestyles.
Articles by Nathalie Voit
Small Modular Reactors Could be Key to Achieving a Secure Energy Future
SMRs are ready to play a key role in achieving a clean energy future.
Patagonia’s Purpose-Driven Business Model is an Ode to Clean Capitalism
Patagonia’s lifelong commitment to defending the environment proves capitalism and planetary sustainability are not at odds.
Meet Curio: The Clean Energy Startup at the Forefront of the Second Nuclear Revolution
From nuclear medicine to applications for deep space and advanced batteries, Curio’s clean nuclear technology is poised to revolutionize the U.S. energy market
Can This Tech Company Help Solve the Electric Car Industry’s Charging Bottleneck?
Meet your new fully-integrated charging solution.
Rad Power Bikes’ Will Change the Way You Go About Your Morning Commute
The world’s best-selling electric vehicle just got a boost.
Neutral: The Country’s First Carbon-Neutral Food Company
This Portland startup wants to radically reduce animal agriculture’s carbon footprint, starting with a glass of its signature climate-friendly milk
CLO-CLO Vegan Foods Proves You Don’t Have to Sacrifice Taste for Health
CLO-CLO Vegan Food’s success in the plant-based food market comes as millions of people worldwide have decided to make the switch to a vegan lifestyle.
8 Rivers Capital Aims to Speed Up Decarbonization Efforts in Asia
8 Rivers Capital, a Durham, North Carolina-based clean technology firm on a mission to decarbonize the global economy by 2050. The company recently secured a $100 million investment from South Korean industrial conglomerate SK Group.
Parallel Systems is Revolutionizing Freight Transportation
By shifting some of the nation’s existing freight to electric rail, Parallel’s next-generation connected fleet can help address a number of pressing issues in the country ranging from the current supply-labor crunch of professional truck drivers to rampant congestion in busy American highways and ports.