Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Honda to quit F1 to focus on zero-emission technology

Honda to quit F1 to focus on zero-emission technology

"Like other automakers, Honda is rushing to build new-energy vehicles in an industry shift that Hachigo on Friday described as “once in a century”. That race is accelerating amid the coronavirus outbreak as carmakers review production plans to capture market share with new models including low or zero-emission vehicles.”

A carbon-free future is a nuclear future

A carbon-free future is a nuclear future

"Contrary to what Hollywood might have you believe, nuclear power is one of the safest and most reliable sources of energy in the world, producing approximately 20% of our nation’s electrical power, and more than half of our nation’s carbon-free energy."

Batteries: The Positives and Negatives of America’s Energy Future

Batteries: The Positives and Negatives of America’s Energy Future

“We are in the midst of a battery revolution, one in which batteries will eventually power cars and trucks for thousands of miles on a single charge, provide reliable, carbon-free electricity to the grid after being charged by renewable resources, or even power airplanes on short to medium-length flights. And those are just the more obvious applications.”

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