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Articles from Around the Web

The Misguided Attacks on Natural Gas

The Misguided Attacks on Natural Gas

Whether it is traditional pollutants or greenhouse-gas emissions, more natural gas is moving America in the right direction. Natural gas exports are even paying environmental dividends around the world because the LNG is cleaner than burning coal or Russian-piped gas.”

The Green New Deal is awful but unlikely

The Green New Deal is awful but unlikely

“The adverse economic effects of a net-zero policy, even in its narrower dimension, would be huge, emerging sooner rather than later, and carrying with them serious political impacts. My estimate of the direct cost of only the electricity component of the Green New Deal is about a half trillion dollars per year, or about $4,000 annually per U.S. household, and that is based on a set of highly conservative assumptions.”

October 20, 2020November 9, 2020AEI in Policy
Scientists engineered plastic-eating ‘super-enzymes’ that can break down bottles in days

Scientists engineered plastic-eating ‘super-enzymes’ that can break down bottles in days

“These 'super-enzymes' were made by researchers at the Center for Enzyme Innovation in the UK and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado. They break down a type of common plastic known as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) — used in single-use bottles as well as clothing and carpets — into its chemical building blocks.”

Hydropower 101

Hydropower 101

"After peaking in the 1960s, the stream of hydropower development gradually slowed to a trickle. One of the main reasons is the bureaucratic federal licensing process. Developers must navigate a licensing process that can take more than six years, spanning multiple state and federal government agencies."

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