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Articles from Around the Web

The growing clean energy backlog, in five charts

The growing clean energy backlog, in five charts

T"o get a better sense of how much clean energy and battery capacity might be ready to meet grid needs in the near future, LBNL’s report examined where projects stood in terms of timing and status. Rand noted that nearly half the projects now in interconnection queues have proposed to come online by the end of 2026, adding up to nearly 1,300 gigawatts of capacity — an amount equivalent to the entire existing U.S. grid."

How California’s Ban on Diesel Locomotives Could Have Major National Repercussions

How California’s Ban on Diesel Locomotives Could Have Major National Repercussions

"The cost-benefit analysis is woefully unfavorable to the forced displacement of diesel locomotives. To 'help' the transition, beginning in 2026, CARB will force all railroads operating in California to deposit dollars into an escrow account managed by the state and frozen for the explicit pursuit of the green agenda. For large railroads, this figure will be a staggering $1.6 billion per year, whereas some smaller railroads will pay up to $5 million."

Eliminating Microplastics And Cutting Emissions With Better Boards

Eliminating Microplastics And Cutting Emissions With Better Boards

"NILO's process innovates legacy wood fiber board manufacturing by replacing a toxic, carcinogenic, and high carbon footprint adhesive called urea formaldehyde (UF). NILO Binder generates fewer carbon dioxide emissions in its production process and emits no off-gasses, making the manufacturing process safer and more environmentally friendly while producing boards that are healthier to have in one’s home."

I’m a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change

I’m a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change

"The fact of the matter is this: We cannot address climate change or solve any other environmental issue without the buy-in and leadership of conservative America. And there are clear opportunities for climate action that conservatives can champion without sacrificing core values, from sustainable agriculture to nuclear energy and the onshoring of clean energy production."

Asics designed a sneaker that’s made to be torn apart

Asics designed a sneaker that’s made to be torn apart

"Asics is hoping that 100 percent of its products will be made from recycled material by 2030, and that the company will hit net zero two decades after that. The brand currently uses more than 30 percent recycled polyester in its footwear and has recycled ingredients in 95 percent of all its shoes, it says."

Geothermal heat pumps are helping clean up city buildings

Geothermal heat pumps are helping clean up city buildings

Maria Gallucci of Canary Media reports on how geothermal heat pumps are being used to decarbonize city buildings. “Startups within the fast-growing industry are developing next-generation solutions to produce ​“clean, firm” electricity in geographic locations that conventional geothermal technologies can’t access. Other companies like Bedrock are innovating on a relatively smaller scale to make it easier and more affordable...

Vogtle Unit 4 Achieves Commercial Operation, Now Largest Nuclear Power Plant in the U.S.

Vogtle Unit 4 Achieves Commercial Operation, Now Largest Nuclear Power Plant in the U.S.

"Georgia Power said nuclear energy provided more than 25% of its generation in 2023, which comes not only from Plant Vogtle, but also from Plant Hatch in Baxley, Georgia. The company said Plant Vogtle has provided 'billions of dollars of positive economic impact for Georgia and local communities.' In addition to 800 permanent jobs created by the new units, the site employed more than 9,000 onsite jobs at the peak of construction including engineers, welders, electricians, pipefitters, plumbers, and many more."

A Software Billionaire Is Betting Big on a Wild Climate Fix

A Software Billionaire Is Betting Big on a Wild Climate Fix

"He’s broken up the project into modular chunks — among them are planning to build a cable factory, map the seabed and submit voluminous amounts of paperwork for siting a massive solar project. He’s also worked on a beta version of a cleaner Australian grid having purchased a major stake in one of the country’s top utilities and getting new board members installed to speed up its decarbonization timeline."

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