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Articles from Around the Web

The 2020 climate policy no one is talking about

The 2020 climate policy no one is talking about

"Ultimately, the Energy Act of 2020, as a bipartisan, serious piece of climate legislation, should be inspiring to us in this moment of even greater polarization. It made historic investments in critical energy innovation areas, and RFF’s recent study is backing up the bipartisan hypothesis that American technology is crucial to tackling global climate change. While politicians quibble over reconciliation on Capitol Hill, America’s energy innovators are getting to work."

Texas LNG to Save the Day as Europe Struggles With Its Gas Supply

Texas LNG to Save the Day as Europe Struggles With Its Gas Supply

"Europe’s struggle to access affordable, reliable, and clean energy is not a novelty. But this time, the EU has a clear choice to adequately meet its gas needs without compromising consumers or the climate. By choosing Russian or other high carbon intensive sources, Europe is missing a big opportunity in securing reliable and affordable gas supply. Why not let Texas LNG save the day?"

The Left’s environmental activism is counterproductive

The Left’s environmental activism is counterproductive

"Our planet deserves an environmental movement that paints a positive picture of what our future could be and brings people into the fold rather than scaring them away. It deserves communities to be organized and empowered to improve their local environments. It deserves blue-collar and white-collar workers alike coming together around solutions we all can agree on."

Deregulation and U.S. Energy Independence

Deregulation and U.S. Energy Independence

Paul Dabbar writes in The Wall Street Journal on how deregulation has created U.S. energy independence. “Technological innovation and broad deregulation are responsible for transforming the U.S. into a global energy powerhouse. The development by American oil and gas companies of new horizontal drilling techniques and the perfection of the process of hydraulic fracturing were...

We don’t know where all the lead pipes are. This tool helps find them

We don’t know where all the lead pipes are. This tool helps find them

"In the cities where BlueConduit works, the tool helps save money by making it more likely that a dig will discover a pipe that needs replacement. 'You can get the lead out sooner, so people are living with lead for less time, and there’s the money avoided,' says Schwartz. 'Thousands of dollars per dig that can be saved. And that money doesn’t just sit, that’s money going to active replacement of lead at a neighbor’s house.' Cities typically need to remove thousands of service lines. In Trenton, New Jersey, for example, where BlueConduit is working now, there’s an estimated 37,000 lead service lines."

Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Brakes on Climate Change?

Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Brakes on Climate Change?

Rivka Galchen of The New Yorker writes on the benefits of nuclear fusion in addressing climate change. “Fusion, theoretically, has no scarcity issues; our planet has enough of fusion’s primary fuels, heavy hydrogen and lithium, which are found in seawater, to last thirty million years. Fusion requires no major advances in batteries, it would be...

The unsexy but incredibly powerful key to fight climate change: Reform permitting

The unsexy but incredibly powerful key to fight climate change: Reform permitting

"Reforming the environmental approvals and permitting process is the unsexy, yet incredibly powerful key to fighting climate change. For example, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that is due for a vote any day now in Congress is being called a down payment on the infrastructure needed for a low-carbon economy. But without the ability to actually build, that investment would be squandered."

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