Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

‘We Want Them to Go Bankrupt’

‘We Want Them to Go Bankrupt’

"All of this matters because as Comptroller Ms. Omarova would have enormous authority to regulate banks. It’s clear from this interview that one of her policy ambitions is to deny capital to certain companies that she wants to go bankrupt. Senators will have to decide if they want the Comptroller to be a one-person systemic risk to the banking system."

Nuclear Shines Bright at COP26

Nuclear Shines Bright at COP26

"To reach our ambitious global climate objectives, we need every tool in the toolbox to reduce emissions, and including nuclear energy needs to be a priority. Of course, COP26 is just a brief moment in time, and momentum will need to be sustained."

Environmentalists Oppose Lithium Mining in Nevada

Environmentalists Oppose Lithium Mining in Nevada

"So, we can’t mine and burn coal. We can’t drill and burn oil or natural gas. We need to end the use of internal-combustion engines. And now, we can’t mine lithium. Sometimes I think these anti-modernity throwbacks won’t be satisfied until we return to the caves."

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