Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Refillable soda bottles used to be the norm. Can they come back?

Refillable soda bottles used to be the norm. Can they come back?

"While bottle deposit fees and other policy changes could help improve recycling rates, reusable bottles have a second advantage of using far less material, shrinking the environmental footprint of the packaging. Even glass bottles, which use more energy than plastic to produce and transport, can have a lower carbon footprint than single-use plastic bottles when the glass bottles are repeatedly reused."

What I Wish Nuclear Energy Opponents Understood Will Happen if They Win

What I Wish Nuclear Energy Opponents Understood Will Happen if They Win

"In the long run, anti-nuclear advocates will not succeed. It remains an utter fantasy to imagine that activism will bring about an end to the atomic age at a time when nuclear technology is poised for revolutionary steps forward. But in the near term, opposition to nuclear power can certainly succeed in preventing and slowing down the advance of a sorely needed climate solution."

Officials: Florida plan has fed manatees 25 tons of lettuce

Officials: Florida plan has fed manatees 25 tons of lettuce

"Officials say the feeding program involving donated romaine lettuce at a Florida Power & Light plant on the east coast is attracting about 300 to 350 manatees per day. It’s been as many as 800 manatees at times, sometimes less than 60 as they move around the waterways."

Battery-Powered Trains Are Picking Up Speed

Battery-Powered Trains Are Picking Up Speed

"Each of these battery electric approaches bring the promise of a cleaner environment, lower fuel costs for railways, and fewer premature deaths from air pollution, but they lack the same thing that has hindered adoption of electric cars: charging stations."

How US policies contribute to high energy prices

How US policies contribute to high energy prices

"Even as we implement policies that pave the way for a lower carbon energy future, we need to recognize reality and the inevitable outcomes of our actions. We can’t dismiss the essential role of natural gas and oil in our economy. We can’t ignore the laws of supply and demand. We can’t shrug off the dramatic impact that these policies have on households and businesses."

How to Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis

How to Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis

"Allowing climate activists and political leaders to shame natural gas is why European gas purchasers are reluctant to sign long-term contracts, the absence of which exposes them to price volatility. The best course of action is for the EU to host a forum like the one held in 2018 to restore cooperation on LNG and expand the supply and price stability experienced by nations with long-term contracts with U.S. LNG suppliers."

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