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America needs clean electricity. These states show how to do it.

Harry Stevens of The Washington Post reports on states that are leading in clean electricity generation.

The C3 Take
  • Vermont has the smallest carbon intensity per megawatt hour, but sources most of its power from hydroelectric dams in Canada.
  • Washington and New Hampshire are also clean energy leaders, with high levels of in-state hydropower and nuclear energy generation, respectively.
  • Encouragingly, nearly every state has had significant greenhouse gas reductions since 2000.
  • Reducing emissions in an economically feasible way will require bottom-up solutions, an all of the above energy approach, and state leadership.

“Today, the United States is running a natural experiment in electricity generation, with a patchwork of policies and power grids. To eliminate electricity’s greenhouse gas emissions, it makes sense to ask: What can we learn from the states that make cleanest power?”

Read the full article here.

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