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Altman-Backed Startup Bets on Heat and the Sun to Tackle AI’s Massive Carbon Footprint

Michelle Ma of Bloomberg writes about a startup that is looking to address AI’s carbon footprint.

The C3 Take
  • Exowatt, a startup backed by OpenAI’s Sam Altman, has launched a modular system to generate, store, and dispatch clean energy for data centers.
  • The system combines a solar energy collector with a thermal battery that can provide carbon-free heat and electricity to data centers.
  • Exowatt’s solution is suitable for about 60% of U.S. data centers located in regions with sufficient sunlight.
  • Exowatt already has a demand backlog of 1.2 gigawatts from major data center operators and renewable energy developers.

“Exowatt’s system stores that solar energy in a heat battery made of a clay and ceramic composite, a cheap medium that’s readily available in US supply chains, Parvizian said. That heat can be stored for months, but most of Exowatt’s customers are looking for eight to 24 hours of energy to dispatch, allowing them to use it as electricity when other sources are more expensive.”

Read the full article here.

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