Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

About Us

What We Do

“C3” is an online news magazine that gives conservatives who care about the environment a home, and a voice.

“C3” is a project of C3 Solutions (the Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions). The mission of our parent organization is to develop, amplify, and elevate solutions that will protect our natural and economic environment. 

What We Believe


People First

People need a growing economy and a healthy environment. You can’t have one without the other.


Free Enterprise

No system has done more to lift people out of poverty than the free enterprise system. Promoting innovation and empowering entrepreneurs are the best ways to deploy new technologies that will create a healthy natural and economic environment.



Each generation has a responsibility to leave the world better off than we found it. Individuals, communities, civil society groups, investors, entrepreneurs, inventors and policymakers, at all levels, have an opportunity and responsibility to be part of the solution.



Our nation deserves a respectful, evidence-based conversation about these issues. Skepticism is not hostile to science: it is science. We welcome and celebrate curiosity and scrutiny. We reject the tendency to frame this debate as one of “alarmism” vs. “denial” and instead want to facilitate a respectful, measured and reasoned debate about risk assessment and solutions. We believe people of good faith can find common ground regardless of their level of concern or ideological orientation.


Property Rights

No one washes a rental car. Private property owners, who have a vested interest in taking care of their own land, are the world’s best environmentalists. Defending their rights and authority is of paramount importance.


Fiscal Responsibility

Public officials have a moral obligation to prepare for potential long-term challenges whether they are economic, health or environmental. Keeping government limited and efficient will encourage innovation and enable us to respond to unforeseen challenges. Leadership requires making hard choices between competing priorities. If our natural environment is a priority, it needs to be reflected in our budgets.


Global Leadership

Climate is global. Our solutions must be as well. American stewardship and innovation will make the world a healthier and more prosperous place.

We should help other nations follow our lead.

Join the Movement

Help us promote free market solutions for climate change.

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions