Alan Ohnsman of Forbes writes on Silicon Valley startup Petra.
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- Petra is a Silicon Valley-based startup that is aiming to cut the costs of burying power lines underground in tough terrain with an innovative robotic drill.
- Petra’s drilling technology can break through solid rock and will be helpful in areas like California, where faulty above ground power lines have been linked to wildfires in the state.
- The private sector’s innovation is leading to incredible technological breakthroughs in the energy sector.
“Ian Wright, one of Tesla’s five cofounders, is best known for developing electric cars and trucks over the past two decades but these days he’s applying his engineering skills to new ways to harden the utility grid from climate change and fire threats as tech chief for Petra. The Silicon Valley startup aims to cut the cost of burying power lines in the toughest terrain with a robotic drill that bores through solid rock and $30 million in new funding to begin commercial operation.”
Read the full article here.
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