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A Stealthy L.A. Carbon Capture Startup Snags $80 Million From Big Oil And JetBlue

Alan Ohnsman of Forbes reports on an L.A. carbon capture startup.

The C3 Take
  • Los Angeles-based Avnos has created a hybrid direct air capture that sequesters atmospheric CO2 and while making drinking water in the process.
  • Avnos is opening a pilot project of its system in Bakersfield later this year and plans to begin commercial operations in 2025.
  • The company has received at least $80 million from JetBlue, ConocoPhillips, and Shell Ventures.

“The system is built around modules about the size of a 20-foot shipping container that pull in ambient air and run it through a series of filters. Water condensation, similar to what occurs in a dehumidifier, is collected, pumped out and stored, and the CO2 flows into tanks, CEO Will Kain told Forbes. He said there’s a 5-to-1 ratio of water produced for every ton of captured CO2. A pilot version of the system will open later this year in Bakersfield, California.”

Read the full article here.

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