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A carbon capture process moves forward in New York City

John Caulfield of Building Design + Construction reports on a modular carbon capture technology that is moving forward in New York City.

The C3 Take
  • CarbonQuest is partnering with Glenwood Management to reduce carbon emissions from apartment buildings in New York City.
  • CarbonQuest’s modular system can be installed in parking garages, takes up the equivalent of three parking spots, and is able to eliminate 20% of a buildings CO2 emissions.
  • CarbonQuest is developing its technology further and will one day be able to sequester up to 70% of a building’s emissions.

“It works this way: CarbonQuest’s proprietary technology captures CO2 from a building’s flue exhaust before it escapes as a greenhouse gas. Subsequent to this capture, the CO2 undergoes a multistage process that isolates carbon dioxide from nitrogen and oxygen, and cools the CO2 to a liquid state that gets stored in a bulk tank. CarbonQuest sells this trademarked Sustainable CO2 to companies that are focused on carbon utilization and sequestration.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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