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World’s Biggest Cement Producers Bet on Green Alternative

Michelle Ma of Bloomberg reports on Sublime Systems, which is developing low-carbon cement.

The C3 Take
  • Two major cement producers, Holcim AG and CRH PLC, are investing $75 million in Sublime Systems, a startup developing a low-carbon cement production method that has shown 90 percent fewer emissions in early tests.
  • Sublime Systems uses an electrochemical process to produce cement, avoiding the traditional method of heating limestone in fossil fuel-powered kilns, which is responsible for about 8 percent of global emissions.
  • Since its launch in 2020, Sublime has raised over $200 million.

“In tests at its 250-ton-per-year pilot plant, Sublime has been able to demonstrate a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to traditional concrete, according to Leah Ellis, co-founder and chief executive officer. The company is developing a commercial plant in Holyoke, Massachusetts, that would have a capacity of 30,000 tons per year and is set to be completed in 2026. Ellis said Sublime’s goal is to provide its technology to larger cement companies with existing infrastructure and supply chains, which would either build new cement plants with the tech or retrofit old ones.”

Read the full article here.

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