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Exxon Mobil and Air Liquide agree to support production of low-carbon hydrogen

Reuters reports that Exxon and Air Liquide will collaborate on ammonia and hydrogen production.

The C3 Take
  • Exxon Mobil and Air Liquide will produce low-carbon ammonia and hydrogen at Exxon’s Baytown, Texas facility.
  • Through the agreement, Exxon expects to produce 1 billion cubic feet of low-carbon hydrogen daily and more than 1 million tons of ammonia annually.
  • Air Liquide will supply the oxygen and nitrogen needed for hydrogen and ammonia production.

“Air Liquide, which supplies gases and services to industries, will build and operate four Large Modular Air separation units to supply 9,000 metric tons of oxygen and about 6,500 metric tons of nitrogen every day to the Texas facility to help produce low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia.”

Read the full article here.

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