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New map shows vast potential for geothermal energy beneath entire US

Saul Elbein of The Hill reports on geothermal’s potential in the U.S.

The C3 Take
  • A new platform from Project Innerspace, a nonprofit focused on building out the geothermal industry, has revealed the massive potential for geothermal in the United States.
  • While all nearly every region of the country could benefit from tapping into geothermal, western states and Texas have the most hot spots that could be accessed.
  • Importantly, the map revealed that current and abandoned coal plants could easily be converted into geothermal power plants with minimal construction or permitting requirements.

“Texas in particular stands out: The data shows a hundred-mile-wide corridor of near-surface geothermal heat that cuts across the state from the Rio Grande Valley northwest past Houston to Shreveport, La. — encompassing not only a constellation of military bases and power plants but also one of the country’s greatest industrial heartlands.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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