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US summer home power bills to jump by nearly 8%, energy policy organizations say

Reuters reports that U.S. home power bills are expected to jump by nearly 8% this summer.

The C3 Take
  • A study released on Monday by the National Energy Assistance Directors Association and the Center for Energy, Poverty, and Climate estimates that summer power bills will increase by 7.9% this year.
  • Mid-Atlantic and west coast states will see the highest jump, 12%, while states in the Midwest and South will see rates climb by 10%.
  • This increase is driven by increased use of home cooling to offset rising temperatures.

“Mid-Atlantic and west coast states are forecast to have the biggest hikes in home electricity costs from June to September, jumping about 12% from the same period last year, said NEADA and CEPC, which are both Washington-based policy organizations focused on affordable energy access for people with low incomes. Steep rises of about 10% are also likely for Midwestern states and parts of the U.S. south, the organizations said.”

Read the full article here.

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