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Inside a (nearly) ‘net-zero’ natural gas plant

Cat Clifford of Cipher News reports on NET Power’s low-carbon natural gas plant.

The C3 Take
  • NET Power has built a demonstration plant in Texas to test its patented technology that produces power from natural gas while capturing 97% of carbon dioxide emissions and virtually eliminating other air pollutants.
  • Instead of retrofitting carbon capture to existing plants, NET Power redesigned the entire power generation process – using only natural gas and pure oxygen in the combustion stage to produce a nearly pure CO2 stream that can be captured.
  • While still at pilot scale, the company aims to have its first commercial $1 billion plant operating by late 2027 and make the technology cost-competitive through scaling and tax credits for carbon capture.
  • If successful at commercial scale, NET Power’s technology could provide a pathway for continuing natural gas use while sharply reducing emissions, complementing growth in renewables during the energy transition.

“While this is a demonstration facility and relatively small compared to a full-sized, natural gas plant (25 megawatts compared to a range of 100 to 1,800 megawatts for a commercial plant), it’s an example of innovative efforts in a small but growing segment of the oil and gas industry to find ways to reduce emissions associated with using their products.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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