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Support domestic mining to advance a secure, responsible US mineral supply

Ryan Sistad writes in The Hill about the need to increase domestic mining.

The C3 Take
  • Last month the Department of Interior halted the Amber Access Road Project, an industrial road through Alaska that is needed to access a larger deposit of copper.
  • While the need for rare earth minerals like copper has increased, the Biden administration’s regulatory delays on projects such as Ambler Road, NewRange Copper Nickel, Twin Metals, and Resolution Copper, have hurt America’s ability to meet growing demand.
  • American companies can mine and process minerals more cleanly and efficiently than countries like China.
  • Policymakers should recognize this and modernize regulations to allow for more domestic mining to meet our energy needs.

“The United States has an opportunity to be copper independent via domestic production, and it is in the nation’s interest that the Biden administration advance projects that display the country’s unequivocal commitment to environmental and industrial leadership. There is no place better than in our backyard to show both can be responsibly achieved.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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