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Albertsons reduces food waste by thinking about what happens at home: ‘That’s where the power of the opportunity is’

Charlotte Salley of TheCoolDown reports on Albertsons’ campaign to reduce food waste.

The C3 Take
  • 40% of food (equivalent of 240 million slices of bread) in the U.S. is wasted each year, with the majority of this waste happening in homes.
  • Albertsons is looking to reduce food waste in communities and its stores by donating excess food, selling surplus at discounts, and using AI to better forecast inventory needs.
  • The company is also working to educate consumers to reduce waste.

“‘So there’s all of these examples where this is good business. In fact, we would do these things for our business regardless of whether they were better for the planet or our communities — but what a wonderful thing that they are better for both.'”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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