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Solar power poised for even greater breakthroughs

Bill Spindle reports for Cipher News about potential breakthroughs in solar.

The C3 Take
  • Researchers in Australia and Singapore are unlocking advancements in solar power to make their energy source more efficient.
  • One breakthrough is TOPCon (tunnel oxide passivated contacts) which scientists are hoping will lead to solar panel that produces power more than 30% of the time.
  • In Singapore the Solar Energy Research Institute is looking into ways to deploy solar offshore and in inland waterways and reservoirs.

“Starting over a decade ago, the institute set up hundreds of sunlight sensors across the city state and began continuously measuring irradiance, the amount of sunlight that makes it to Earth as clouds come and go. Those measurements now constitute a massive data record that researchers, and Singapore power generators and grid operators, use to predict solar power output five minutes to seven hours ahead.”

Read the full article here.

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