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The Practical Environmentalist

James P. Pinkerton reviews Benji Backer’s book “The Conservative Environmentalist” for the American Conservative magazine.

The C3 Take
  • Issues of the the environment and conservation have historically enjoyed broad bipartisan support but have been politicized by the far left in recent years.
  • Benji Backer, who launched the American Conservation Coalition in 2017, is played a leading role in helping conservatives take back the issue.
  • Backer details practical, market-baed solutions in his new book “The Conservative Environmentalist.”
  • Learn more about the book here.

“Speaking for the normies, Backer writes, ‘We can move forward only if we put political tribalism aside and rise above the noise of scare tactics and denialism. Only then will our generation of environmentalists be able to stand together.’ Turning problems into win-wins isn’t particularly conservative, or particularly liberal. But it is practical. And popular—as in, winning elections popular.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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