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A Software Billionaire Is Betting Big on a Wild Climate Fix

Brian Kahn of Bloomberg reports on one billionaire who is trying a unique climate fix.

The C3 Take
  • Mike Cannon-Brookes, the billionaire co-founder of Atlassian, believes Australia can become a renewable energy superpower by harnessing its abundant sunshine and land to build massive solar farms and export the clean electricity to Asia via undersea cables.
  • He has acquired SunCable, a company planning to build the world’s largest solar farm in Australia and link it to Singapore via a 4,300 km undersea power cable, in an audacious but technically daunting $21 billion project.
  • While Cannon-Brookes faces challenges around technology, financing, and logistics, the solution could play a pivotal role in delivering clean electricity to Asia.

“He’s broken up the project into modular chunks — among them are planning to build a cable factory, map the seabed and submit voluminous amounts of paperwork for siting a massive solar project. He’s also worked on a beta version of a cleaner Australian grid having purchased a major stake in one of the country’s top utilities and getting new board members installed to speed up its decarbonization timeline.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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