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Electric Cars Emit More Particulate Pollution

Michael Buschbacher and Taylor Myers write in The Wall Street Journal about particulate pollution from electric vehicles.

The C3 Take
  • Studies have found that the largest contributor of particulate pollution from cars comes not from tailpipe emissions, but from tire wear and tear.
  • The same study found that EVs release more particulate matter than hybrid vehicles because they are heavier and strain their tires more.
  • Other evidence suggests that EVs are better for the climate after two years than petrol vehicles.
  • Whatever the case may be, markets, not government mandates, should drive people to choose their vehicle.

“Where do most particulate emissions attributed to cars come from? California speaks as if their primary source is the tailpipe. That was true in the past. But today most vehicle-related particulate matter comes from tire wear. Cars are heavy, and as their tires rub against the road, they degrade and release tiny, often toxic particles. According to measurements by an emission-analytics firm, in gasoline cars equipped with a particle filter, airborne tire-wear emissions are more than 400 times as great as direct exhaust particulate emissions.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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