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The U.S. Military Looks to Geothermal for Secure, Firm Power

John Karakoulakis writes in RealClearEnergy about the Air Force’s embrace of geothermal.

The C3 Take
  • .Historically a geologically-confined energy source, geothermal is becoming more readily accessible thanks to advanced drilling techniques.
  • Geothermal has attracted attention from the Air Force who is looking  at the feasibility of developing an on-site power plant within three to five years at Mountain Home Air Force Base.
  • Joint Base San Antonio is also exploring geothermal with developer Eavor Inc.

“Unlike wind turbines or solar arrays, electricity production from geothermal doesn’t rely on weather conditions, making it extremely reliable. And for this reason, the U.S. military is showing more interest in geothermal technologies to harden its facilities against power grid outages and cyber-attacks.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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